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Vertical HUMAN CHANGE SYSTeMS for exchange of human process automation for social good

Social Justice

A New Shift for Step-By-Step Achievement of Social Justice


Delivery, Management and Oversight Collaboration for Deeper Social Impact Programs & Services


A Co-Op for Simple Steps that Maximize Qualities of Care and Life


Machine Learning and SYSTEMS APPROACH Human Knowledge TRANSFER AUGMENTATION for Next Generation Safety Grids


Public/Private Deployments Of DEEPERINTEL™ HUMAN SYSTEMS for Delivery, Accountability and Management of Change THROUGH ACHIEVEMENT.
Step-by-Step Achievement
Trails, Guides, Maps
Active, Nutritive, Cognitive
Instructive, Productive
Persistent Delivery
Day Plan
Actionable Analytics
Navitents and Communities
Trends and Activity
Individual Histories
DeeperEngaged™ Core PILLARS

For Every Leader

Engage more deeply
Reach more minds
Enhance your impact
Champion your cause
Elevate your cause.
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For Every Achiever

Persistent interactions
Systematic paths
Organized tools
Structured social media
Elevate your reach.
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This feature coming soon!

For Every Worker

Improve case interactions
Track work and results
Enhance group dynamics
Extend your impact
Elevate your insight.
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This feature coming soon!


A New PARADIGM IN Step-By-Step Achievement of Social Justice

DeeperEngaged™ for Social Justice “ProgramGrown” turns the knowledge leaders hold into true social justice and diversity, equity and inclusion into simple and accessible actions, behaviors, and communities.  Through DeeperEngaged™, they transfer wisdom that leads to achievement into an intelligence augmentation ground game with real media social impact. This platform supports those who create success stories in the Black community through caring, wisdom, courage, and commitment - providing persistent, transferrable ladders to prosperity. Here, leaders, workers, and achievers gain power in an integrated services delivery, management, and accountability HumanChangeSystem™ that maximizes resources, reach, time and growth.

Social Impact

For Every Social Impact Program

Engage more deeply
Reach more minds
Enhance your impact
Champion your cause
Elevate your program.
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This feature coming soon!

For Every Achiever

Persistent interactions
Systematic paths
Organized tools
Structured social media
Elevate your reach.
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This feature coming soon!

For Every Worker

Improve case interactions
Track work and results
Enhance group dynamics
Extend your impact
Elevate your insight.
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This feature coming soon!

DeeperEngaged™ SOcial IMPACT PILLAR

Collaboration for Deeper Social Impact IN Programs & Services

DeeperEngaged™ Social Impact turns knowledge, passion, and will into seeding, scaling, and collaboration of and between social programs designed for more profound social impact. DeeperEngaged™ Social Impact incorporates actionable steps to the services that provide safety nets and install those nets ladders to prosperity for all. Leaders now have the power of an integrated services delivery, management, and accountability platform that maximizes resources, reach, and growth on our platform.

for Healthcare

For Healthcare Leaders

Engage more deeply
Reach more minds
Enhance your impact
Champion your cause
Elevate your care.
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This feature is coming soon!

For Healthcare Patients

Care for self
Care for loved ones
Prevent injury and illness
Reach your goals
Elevate your health.
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This feature is coming soon!


A Co-Op for Simple Steps that Maximize Qualities of Care and Life

DeeperEngage for Healthcare turns the knowledge we have accumulated in healthcare into actionable steps that elevate disease prevention and care through data-driven best practices and results analysis.  We provide services to the people who create our safety nets - through their caring, wisdom, courage, and commitment. Healthcare leaders have the power of an integrated services delivery, management, and accountability platform to maximize resources, reach, and meaningful impact.

for Public Safety

For Utilities Safety

Improve safety
Increase skills
Enhance productiviyty
Track compliance
Elevate your worker.
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This feature is coming soon!


Machine Learning and Human Knowledge for Next Generation Safety Grids

Navitent converts traditional safety intelligence and data reference models into the following generation process and workflow IA reality.  Through DeeperIntel™ human training, behavior, and knowledge integrate with equipment data, incidents reporting, and situationally aware best practices into a real-time safety grid to protect work teams, assets, distribution, and customers from known and recently likely risks.  Navitent with DeeperIntel™ is the dynamic, structured data context for machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence for highly complex behaviors with equipment and environmental concerns.



POWER FOR Delivery, MANAGEMENT, and ACCOUNTABILITY of SOCIAL IMPACT with Digital Stem Cells for CONTINUOUS Process Improvement

Welcome to an Evidence-Based, Best Practices Platform Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition.