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Change Through Modules

Developmental Modular Components used as Research Program Instruments to Anchor Evidence-Basis for Lasting Transformation Claims
Leveraging science and a public/private partnership to build an army engaged in creating a nationwide System of Care framework

This page is dedicated to a lab for lasting change.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln

2021-2022 Research Series Objective: Navitent, Inc.'s LeadingResiliency™ (LR) research is conducting a series of studies in 2022 to demonstrate the effectiveness of SocialAchievementMedia™ (SAM) implemented in a Nationwide Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) System of Care (SOC) platform. The proximal objective is to provide evidence of the innovation as a sustainable means to achieve mental health equity in Black and low-resource communities, measured by-functional outcomes (employment, education, housing, substance recovery).

Mental Health and Preventative Care Research

Significance: The Solution to Black Mental Health is the Tip of a$1.2 Trillion Behavioral Problem

Achieving Mental Health and Preventative Care functional outcome equity in Black and low-resource communities depends on eliminating obstacles to care provision and deterrents to seeking care. For a national healthcare technology framework, proper investment in innovation is equally essential to this goal. Our prior research indicates that these objectives are met by adequately addressing their common upstream barriers. This research proposal provides available, sustainable solutions for each issue.

The DeeperEngaged™ for Social Justice rollout supports Evidence-Based Practices Trough Social Achievement Media (SAM) Research. Phase One and Phase Two LeadingResiliency™ Research purposes are to develop SAM Modules to reduce delays in initial clinical treatment, improve outreach, initiation, and delivery of treatment and prevention for platform readiness as a solution for Transition of Care and Coordination of Care.

Phase One Hypothesis: The Navitent DeeperIntel™ Platform is an effective tool to reduce delays in initial clinical treatment, improve outreach, initiation, delivery of treatment and prevention, Transition of Care, and Coordination of Care.

Phase One

Mental Health Module: Anxiety Campfire

Community Summary: Develop the skills to become an anxiety-free "Achiever" through finding solutions to adversity caused by anxiety or that reduces your quality of enjoyment.

Preventative Care Module: Prevent Diabetes Campfire

Community Summary: Develop the habits to become a pre-diabetes-free "Achiever" through lessons, logs, challenges, checkins, recipes, and activities to help you lose 3% to 7% of your body weight.

Let's build the future of change together.

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