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Change Through Process

These steps lead to lasting transformation.
Leveraging John Kotter's "Leading Change" with DeAnne Aguirre and Micah Alpern's Ten Principles of Leading Change Management

Building the Future Together

LeadingResiliency™ 2022 Strategic Process

Change isn't easy. That's why Navitent uses John Kotter's Process for Leading Change along with DeAnne Aguirre and Micah Alpern's Ten Principles of Leading Change Management to create the systemic gravity necessary for lasting change in the form of behavior transformation across five key social pillars.

When you join the LeadingResiliency™ mission as a Sponsor or Partner, your vision of change is converted into "Navigational Content" for step-by-step change. Once converted, you become a LeadingResiliency™ Trailblazer. For all our Featured Trailblazers, here is Navitent's application of Kotter, Aguirre, and Alpern's work embedded in LeadingResiliency™ 2022 Initiatives:

Form a Strategic Vision and Initiatives

Articulate a transformative future and how that vision will become a reality through clear steps and processes.

We tackle this via our coordinated Sponsor and Partner "Keynote" Messages on Workforce Resilience and the Future of a Social Resiliency Technology delivered live and rebroadcast during the week of our LeadingResiliency™ Annual Summit, which will be pre-operationalized into interoperable, step-by-step Navitent Modules for your audience to use to achieve lasting results.

Enlist a Volunteer Army

Change is most lasting when large numbers of people rally around a common goal with clear, actionable steps.

LeadingResiliency™ Trailblazer's Modules will be debuted at our LeadingResiliency Inaugural Annual Summit and beyond via our DeeperEngaged™ for Social HumanChangeNetwork™ in Social Justice, Social Impact, Healthcare, Public Safety, and Faith and Church. Together we will create an audience army to amplify your message and spread your vision for societal change through internal and external embeds, shares, invites, and posts.

Make the Rational and Emotional Case Together

Appeal to both hearts and minds to amplify meaning of a cause or change initiative.

Our concurrently prepared federal research studies support evidence-based rationale, while our DeeperEngaged™ for Social Justice and Social Impact and other social pillars offer emotionally-resonant use cases of the power and impact of our work and content. We employ the same two-prong approach as we adapt your material.

Act Your Way into New Thinking

Center clear action-based steps for transformational results and lasting change.

Our process is a remote-first, collaborative, and cross-disciplined iteration open to testing, releasing, and live improvements of early components through an active review workflow. Through this action-based development focused on Workforce Resiliency Modules (Actualized Culture, DEI, Mental Health, Workflows, and Continuous Process Improvement) in a LeadingResiliency™ High-Reliability Workforce Framework, we generate a definitive course of actions that deliver tangible results and behavior patterns towards big-picture goals.

Generate Short-term Wins

Wins, recognized, collected, and communicated - early and often - energize your base and support continued action and change.

Navitent accomplishes a rhythm of early wins via the early Module Community and Navitent releases found on our LeadingResiliency™ Campgrounds. During Module development and testing, your base community members can participate in pre-release new programs, provide insights, and create supporting Navigational Content for collaborative, short-term wins. Post-March 2022 launch, regular reporting also celebrates early program milestones and statistical victories.

Enable Action by Removing Barriers

Support your constituents in action-based change by removing unnecessary hierarchies and limiting processes.  

Our PaaS and SaaS have no-technology and no-cost barriers to participation. By making Navitent financially and technologically accessible, we put the keys to growth in our users' and content creators' hands.

Involve Every Layer

Include mid-level and frontline experts to have a multi-level integrated system and process of change.

LeadingResiliency™ celebrates visionaries, frontline experts, and members through a multi-tier content improvement and education framework. We celebrate our LeadingResiliency™ Trailblazers as our speakers. We support our frontline experts as Content Partners with the tools for Continuous Process Improvement, which leads to optimized best solutions. Lastly, our LeadingResiliency™ 2022 Influencer, Audience, and Member Drive is dedicated to diversifying content coverage across every level of platform solutions to lead to smooth and successful industry adoption.

Engage, Engage, Engage

Sustained change results from constant communication during every step of the transformation process.

LeadingResiliency™ Trailblazers have constant contact with their audience through Navitents and Navitent Communities with real-time updates to their content. The technology underlying the LeadingResiliency™ Platform sends daily and weekly email action steps and reminders to your followers based on their preference of engagement.

Lead Outside the Lines

Informal leaders and holders of personal power rather than positional power are often the special change agents to any transformation process.

Navitent system is designed for more profoundly engaged leaders and visionaries to maximize their impact and ensure the implementation of their message. Anyone can become an expert at systems-level process improvement related to their expertise, network, or qualities that engender trust in the target audience as Ambassadors to the community. Start bringing your latent "servant leaders" out of the shadows to support organization-wide change.

Leverage Formal Solutions with Structural Reward Systems

Cultural change takes root when formal and organizational systems acknowledge and celebrate the change.

Navitent supports your formal systems and solutions in the following ways:  

1) Trailblazer Dashboards enable real-time tracking on audience acquisition, engagement, and results through User and Usage Trends, drill-downs into Users Activity Measures, and detailed Assessment Statistics with drill down into specific communities, workflows, and behaviors.

2) For your stakeholders and organization, Navitent's DeeperIntel™ actionable insights capture the participation and results for your Modules in specific populations for direct cause and outcomes and Continuous Process Improvement.

3) Revenues from your Modules based on your pricing determination are disbursed to your organization or designated beneficiary and accounted for in your merchant Dashboard.

3) LeadingResiliency™ Strategic Initiative Advisory Board participation gives complete visibility into the 70% of all DeeperEngaged™ HumanChangeNetwork™ SaaS revenue invested back into interoperable Navigational Content and Modules within the LeasingResiliency™ Framework to amplify and extend the impact of your message and mission.

Leverage Informal Solutions

Culture is king - put it to use in your mission.

Through creating Navitent Communities and behaviors in any category, Platform users can generate virtual interest centers within their organization or share across the Platform in person or over our integrated Zoom API. Virtual interest centers can include human interests like recipe exchanges, virtual book clubs, and fitness challenges. These informal solutions can help concretize cultural shifts and innovative ways of being.

Institute the Change

Connect new behaviors with larger organizational success to create a strong network of articulated actions and results.

It all goes live in March 2022. Join us as Navitent becomes the Institution and GPS in a Navigational System for Change.

Assess and Adapt

The path through lasting change is through constant evaluation and adaptation.

With Navitent's GPS for Change™ and DeeperIntel™, you open up unlimited ability to expand your content with various processes, behavior modules, workflows, and other features. Enjoy using our DeeperIntel™ actionable insights intelligence augmentation for Continuous Process Improvement.

We've designed the systems for constant, adaptive success. Join Us.

If you have already committed to join the LeadingResiliency™ mission, the above concepts are simply a few of the ways Navitent transforms vital visions and messages into tangible change agents for what will be considered in retrospect as the leading change initiatives of our times.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln

Let's build the future of change together.


Haile Clay

Founder and CEO

Navitent, Inc.

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© 2021 Navitent, Inc.