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Navitent, Inc,

Press Release

On November 15, 2020, Navitent Launches A Self-Sustaining AI Model for Social Good

Company Seeks Partners for Innovative Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Los Altos, CA November 11, 2021 – Navitent, a collaborative, scalable platform for the development and delivery of lasting and meaningful behavioral change, has announced the launch of its latest Navitent Utility model, DeeperEngaged™ - a series of synergistic social good modules. Starting on November 15, Navitent launches its first DeeperEngaged for Social Good vertical, “DeeperEngaged™ for Social Justice at DeeperEngaged.com. Current users and enterprise clients will have access to an expanded suite of DeeperIntel™ SaaS services on Navitent.com, and on their domains, all centered on the power of social good and how to take social justice-focused work to the next level.

Navitent’s “navigational content” utility serves as a cloud platform for visionaries, influencers, caregivers, trainers, and front-line subject matter experts to design and deploy step-by-step change models allowing them to serve as powerful impact agents for growth, improvement, achievement, and social good in their community, and across the globe. Combined with Navitent DeeperIntel™, the platform serves as the delivery, management, accountability, and collaboration of human change that provides real oversight and drives high reliability in achievement through continuous process improvement in any mission.

“The goal in starting the DeeperEngaged™ Initiative on the Navitent DeeperIntel™ PaaS has always been to take what we’ve started at Navitent.com and make an AI engine that improves the human condition and is accessible to anyone who wants to use it, ” shared Founder & CEO Haile Clay. “I founded Navitent because I believe in the power that people and community have when they unite behind a great vision of public service, pride, and extraordinary achievement. I also have a lifelong passion and body of work dedicated to the logic and intelligence of all behavior that leads to the evidence-based achievement of any socially beneficial goal. Navitent has allowed me to combine those two.” Haile continued, “to say that the proper application of artificial intelligence (AI) through Intelligence Augmentation (IA) save time and money in any human process is an understatement. There should be absolutely no reason to be chasing technology’s tail when it comes to doing good.”

The company‘s DeeperEngaged™ model focuses on four key pillars that they’ve identified as the most needed, or neglected, in society. The social justice pillar will be the first to launch, early next month.

Navitent has taken a unique approach to fund and researching tech-based solutions to societal problems. Their public-private partnership framework approach allows for 70% of all Software as a Service (SaaS) revenue to go back into funding various social justice programs. Some of these unique initiatives Navitent is launching on November 15 include CribGrownShop.com - a shoppable platform where artists participate and share in the theme of social justice - or the #MyDeeperMoment Campaign - which consists of a place for people to share their stories in an impactful way. Each initiative is unique but shares the common goal of raising awareness and building a better society together.

The company has built an expert system with a leadership team with nearly two decades of research and development, changing the scientific, engineering, and UX/UI framework for social good and AI.  The data structure for their overarching DeeperIntel™ is a scientific methodology with an organizational, process, and workflow structure adopted from the US Army.  As well as quantitative and qualitative machine learning Intelligence Augmentation that improves behavioral output and results, reduces errors, and increases the efficacy of care, training, and operations.

“We call it a digital stem cell for any behavior,” continued Clay. “The new technology approach streamlines social good planning with the right tools. We are removing the pressure of having to make tech decisions, the hurdles of planning, and running and paying for a seemingly increasing number of apps and platforms. We allow for leaders to focus on just that - being great leaders. We want our clients to know that the technology is doing its job and achieving its goals. That’s our measure of success.”

Navitent is currently accepting Partner, Sponsor, Resource, and Influencer inquiries. To learn more about Navitent and receive a personal tour of the DeeperEngaged™ platform, contact the Navitent team at (650) 275-2746 or learnmore@navitentsiab.com


Navitent, Inc. is a Black, US Army Veteran-owned corporation founded in 2004. It is a Platform as a Service providing social benefit and equity development, delivery, management, oversight tools embedded in the DeeperIntel™ Human Behavior Intelligence Augmentation Suite (a behavioral source data “intelligence engine”). DeeperIntel™ provides the insights and robust change impact features designed for DeeperEngaged™ for Social Good HumanChangeSystems™ administered through a High-Reliability Organization Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs) framework. For more information, contact our team at https://www.navitenthbia.com


Haile Clay

(650) 275-2746
