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Navitent, Inc,

LeadingResiliency™ Research

Current Studies

Navitent is an evidence-based platform and maintains best practices for the fidelity of its program outcomes.
2021-22 Focus: Low Resource Mental Health Access, Equity, Coordination and Care Transition


Implementing and Sustaining Evidence-Based Mental Health Practices in Low-Resource Settings to Achieve Equity in Outcomes (R34 Clinical Trial Required )


This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports pilot work for subsequent studies testing the effectiveness of strategies to deliver evidence-based mental health services, treatment interventions, and/or preventive interventions (EBPs) in low-resource mental health specialty and non-specialty settings within the United States. The FOA targets settings where EBPs are not currently delivered or delivered with fidelity, such that there are disparities in mental health and related functional outcomes (e.g., employment, educational attainment, stable housing, integration in the community, treatment of comorbid substance use disorders, etc.) for the population(s) served. Implementation strategies should identify and use innovative approaches to remediate barriers to provision, receipt, and/or benefit from EBPs and generate new information about factors integral to achieving equity in mental health outcomes for underserved populations.



Effectiveness of Implementing Sustainable Evidence-Based Mental Health Practices in Low-Resource Settings to Achieve Mental Health Equity for Traditionally Underserved Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)


This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages studies that develop and test the effectiveness of strategies for implementation and sustainable delivery of evidence-based mental health treatments and services to improve mental health outcomes for underserved populations in under-resourced settings in the United States. Studies should identify and use innovative approaches to remediate barriers to provision, receipt, and/or benefit from evidence-based practices (EBPs) and generate new information about factors integral to achieving equity in mental health outcomes for underserved populations. Research generating new information about factors causing/reducing disparities are strongly encouraged, including due consideration of the needs of individuals across the life span.



Improving Quality of Care and Patient Outcomes During Care Transitions (R01)


The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications to produce health services research that will rigorously test promising interventions aimed at improving communication and coordination during care transitions.
